“My name is Menna, I am 8 years old and I study in the second grade. I am happy because may mother provides me with everything that I need for school and she buys me toys, too”
“I am the mother of Menna. My name is Nisreen. I have 9 children. My daughter, Menna, is sponsored by the Orphan Sponsorship Program of Hayat Yolu. Menna is studying in second grade, and she is excellent at school. My main concern in my life is that my children live satisfied and content and do not look at people thinking they are better than them. The sponsorship helps us a lot because, after her father’s death, we had no income. My family is big, but thank God, after sponsorship, the family’s situation has notably improved. Now I can provide all the basic necessities, for food and clothing”
“I hope that the Orphan Sponsorship will continue so that we can complete our lives without seeking the help of anyone. My dearest dream in life is that my children complete their education so that they can lead a decent life.”
“Congratulations on the approaching of Ramadan and Eid, many happy returns inshA’llah”
Hayat Yolu Participates in the 4th Riyadh International Humanitarian Forum