Idlib Has the Right to Live

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Idlib Has the Right to Live Idlib refugees

Idlib Has the Right to Live

Children Are the Most Affected 

The ongoing battle in Idlib is unleashing the biggest refugee exodus that could be seen in the nine-year war. In the past few weeks, nearly one million people settled in random camps in northern Syria at the border with Turkey. This makes the total number of IDPs living in the border area count for almost 3 million people. More than two-thirds of this number are children and women. They live in extremely harsh conditions due to missing all life necessities. A number of children died as a result of severe cold and bad weather.

Hayat Yolu continues the efforts to support survivors of the recent crisis by providing heating materials. Heating materials are a priority at present due to the severe cold and the absence of any sources of heating.

Idlib has the right to live campaign 

The Humanitarian conditions in Idlib are far beyond description. Displaced people are living in fear and lack even the minimum basics and needs of food, water, heating materials, safe shelters, protection and etc.

We are keen to make a real change to the lives and realities of the displaced living in the area, especially with having no evidences that their conditions are going to change in the near future. These people are at real risk and we all should pear our responsibility towards them.

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