100 Houses for Syrian refugees

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100 Houses for Syrian refugees

100 Houses for Syrian refugees

Since the latest wave of violence erupted in northern Syria in recent months, nearly a million Syrian refugees have joined the displaced on the border between Syria and Turkey. That brought the number of displaced people in the region to nearly three million refugees. More than two-thirds of them are women and children. The displaced people in these areas live in dire humanitarian conditions. They still live in tents lacking the basic conditions for protection and safety and the necessities for survival, including food, medicine, water, and sanitation.

To respond to part of these needs, Hayat Yolu has implemented a project. The project aims to provide protection and safety for a number of these families. Selection criteria involved families with a large number of children. Also, the criteria included families whose members suffer from disabilities or chronic diseases.

This project involved construction of stone houses for 100 of these families of Syrian refugees. It also included providing these houses after construction with bedding, blankets and a food basket that is enough for a full month.
Hayat Yolu seeks to raise more funds to reach more of these families in the following stages of the project in a campaign called “Idlib has the right to live”.

Participated in Idlib relief
Alleviate the burden on children, women, and the elderly
Every human being has the right to lead a decent life

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