
About the country

About Yemen

The escalation of conflict in Yemen since March 2015 has led to a worsening protection crisis, leaving millions of civilians facing risks to their safety and fundamental rights. While the infrastructure is severely damaged, personal safety and food security are among the greatest challenges.

The inadequate sewage system and waterborne diseases, including cholera, resulted in hundreds of thousands of people falling ill with the disease last year. Consequently, the realization of child protection concepts and commitments has been compromised, with an estimated 7.4 million children needing urgent assistance.

To contribute to alleviating the severity of these crises, we have successfully delivered emergency support, including food aid and other non-food items, to thousands of crisis survivors. At Hayat Yolu, we take our responsibility towards the Yemeni people seriously. We are committed to continuing our support to mitigate the effects of these crises, easing their pain and suffering as much as we can.

  • The Crisis in Yemen
  • Hayat Yolu in Yemen

About the country

The Crisis in Yemen

  • More than 24 million people (80% of the population) require humanitarian aid.
  • Among them, 14.3 million people need urgent protection and assistance.
  • 2,0 million require treatment for acute malnutrition.
  • 17.8 million people lack access to clean drinking water and sanitation.
  • 19.7 million people lack adequate healthcare.
  • Educational facilities have been severely affected, leaving 2 million children out of school.

About the country

Hayat Yolu in Yemen

15,000 people were provided food assistance
500 families received cash assistance
50,000 families were provided safe drinking water
1,500 students received educational services

Story from Yemen

Stories of suffering

“I am Um Hajar”; that’s how she introduced herself when we asked her to talk to us about the cash assistance project her family was part of. She first told us about the harsh conditions her country, Yemen, is going through. “I am so sad, but I am also optimistic. I know, for sure, that this situation we are facing now will end someday. These days will become memories and stories we tell our children.”

Her eldest daughter, Hajar, is fifteen; she has two younger daughters and a son. She spoke with sadness about how her children had to stop their education because the war destroyed the school.

However, her biggest fear was cholera. “Thank God, my children have been safe from cholera until now. But I am not sure about what might happen in the future. The danger is still there.”

Her younger children, Hassan and Leila, suffered from malnutrition, losing significant weight and showing worrying symptoms. “Then came the day when we received assistance from Hayat Yolu. We received food aid and cash assistance as well.” She said.

“We received cash assistance throughout the year, and that’s when my children’s health improved. They overcame malnutrition and anemia. We were discouraged and frightened, and now we have hope. Thank you for everything – for the food, the cash assistance, and the hope.”


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